-hereditary : handed down from father to son 세습
-owe any overdue : debt any past deadline
-declared : claimed
-incompetent : incapable legally incompetent : you can’t take care of yourself
-confined : to keep somebody inside the limits 구금
-communism : the government owns and controls everything china or north Korea
-totalitarianism : the governments has complete control over everything and the people have no power
-terrorist organization : use violence for political or religious purpose
-overthrow : remove a government from power force 타도
-persecuted : to hurt someone badly because of religious or political beliefs 박해
-genocide : murder of whole community 집단학살 because of religion or race
-torture : 고문 to cause great pain to someone
-forcing sexual contact or relations : touching someone’s privvate parts when he doesn’t want it
-hurt : physical pain or injury
-rebel : to fights a government 반역
-guerrilla : a group that uses weapons to attack military, government or other people
-vigilante : a group of people who act like the police but not official police
-militia : an army but not part of the official military
-paramilitary unit : a group of people who ac like a military but are not of the official military
-insurgent 반란군 group that uses weapon and fights against a government
-detention 구금 : place where people are forced to stay
– labor camp : a place where people are forced to work
– recruit =ask , enlist = sign up , conscript = require
– convict 유죄 declare to be guilty of a criminal offense
-rehabilitator program? : something like outside jail
-probation = you don’t have to go to jail but still have to talk to the police
-prostitute 매춘 : has sex for money
-alimony = money pay to ex husband
-deportation proceeding = the courts ask if you need to leave the country
-genocide : killing a group of people
-self-defense unit : a group that protects a place using weapons
-prison camp: a place to keep enemy soldiers during a war